A conversation with sculptor and jeweller Harriete Estel Berman
The conversation I share today was recorded earlier this year – I listened to it again and I realised how relevant it is to right now but possibly, for most of us, it will be relevant at many different stages in our lives.
As an artist, wife, mother, daughter, a business advisor for artists/crafts people in her blog ASK HARRIETE (regularly offering professional advice to the art community) and with her jewelry, sculpture and Judaic featuring in over 35 books, US based Harriete Estelle Berman has shown throughout the United States, Europe, and Africa. Her work has been acquired for the permanent collections of 13 museums including the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the Detroit Institute of Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
Pick UP Your Pencils, Begin is a gigantic bell curve 28′ wide and 15′ tall about the impact of standardized testing on our educational system.
- Harriete Estel Berman Sculptor, jeweler based in California USA
How has Harriete, in all of her various roles, kept true to herself and her feminist ideals? With a strong need to be a professional artist and at the same time having children and being at times the main caregiver, how has she managed to keep it all going? With only so many hours in the day, how do we all try to do even a small part of what Harriete has achieved in her career so far?
Sometimes when people seem so together professionally with strong developed ideas, those with dreams yet to be realized may feel less important… their voice, they may think, is not so worthy…
Harriete’s journey is her journey – yours may be very different; however I am sure in sharing we may give each other the boost we may need to get to that next stage in our creative lives and give the importance to our ideas and ourselves, however small they may feel, to take us further in our own individual creative journeys.
If you have enjoyed listening to this conversation please share it, if it has challenged you, you don’t agree with some content, agree totally, you have some great experience you want to share or it has left you wondering… please leave a comment below:
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